70% of all Germans are annoyed when advertising for the 14th of February begins. Because of this, Douglas confronts the Valentine’s Day to clarify it understands the consumers needs and wishes. While other companies start their advertising, Douglas ridicules these campaigns.

After the long spot is spread, e.g. as a YouTube pre-roll ad, the personified Valentine’s Day gets omnipresent in ads and an own Instagram channel. GIFs move him into private chats.

To avoid the ads you can install the Douglas AdBlocker and every annoying advertisment will be replaced by sweet alpacas.


BBDO Germany

Richard Jung, Thorsten Kraus

Luke Prangen, Kevin Mohr, Yekaterina Milashenko, Ümüt Yildiz, Lukas Süß

Used media:
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, Microsite, GIFs, own Adblocker

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